The difficulties of Neo-mechanism in Philosophy of neuroscience
Carlos A. Casanova
Espíritu: ISSN 0014-0716, Year 70, Issue 162, 2021, pages 373-395
In this paper, after a brief definition of mechanistic materialism, six difficulties are explained that neo-mechanism seems to be unable to solve and that, in consequence, seems to require its abandonment. Such are: (1) the unity of the human being, (2) the unity of consciousness, (3) the distinction between the cause and that without which the cause could not be a cause, (4) that thought and perception are not in the neurons, (5) that concepts –because of their immateriality– cannot be found in a material organ, and (6) free will.
Key words:
Mechanistic materialism, emergent properties, unity of conscience, neo-mechanism, immateriality of concepts, free will.