General characteristics:
- By “articles” we mean philosophical writings that expound in depth and rigor, either specific novel contributions resulting from the research itself, or a more general synthesis of previous research.
- “Notes and discussions” means writings that clearly and concisely present debatable questions, which may refer to a specific topic of study, to certain theses held by an author or to a current cultural situation of philosophical relevance.
- “Reviews” means writings which clearly and concisely set out and assess the contents of a relevant and recently published philosophical work.
2- Submission: Contributions of any of three types of writings may be sent as email attachments to Manuscripts should be accompanied by a brief academic curriculum vitae of the author, which will also include his or her current address, the place where he or she teaches or researches, if applicable, as well as the telephone number and e-mail address.
3- Language: Manuscripts written in spanish, any of the Romance Languages, Latin, German and English, are accepted.
4- Originality: All documents submitted for publication to ESPIRITU, either articles, notes and book reviews, must be entirely unpublished, and must be original works of the submitting author. While they are being evaluated for publication or undergoing editing, they must not be submitted to any other publication. Once an article has been published, authors retain the right to use it freely, provided that they cite its original publication in ESPIRITU.
5- Approval: It is up to the Editorial Board to decide on the publication of the journal’s writings. All articles will be previously evaluated by two specialists, who will not know the authorship of them. Within a period of two to six months from the date of submission, the author will be informed of whether or not his manuscript has been accepted, together with the comments made by those who have evaluated it in the case of an article.
6- Format: Articles will be presented in Word format. If a special spelling (e.g. Greek) is used, the embedded fonts will be attached for ease of reading and possible editing, as well as a copy of the article in PDF. The text should be composed as simply as possible, avoiding tabs, bold text and capital letters. Nor shall words be divided.
Formal characteristics of articles:
8- Additional information: At the beginning of the article, the title will be given in the language in which the work is written, as well as the author’s name and surname. At the end of the article, the name and surname of the author, the institution in which he collaborates and the email address will be indicated. The titles in English and Spanish are for the abstract which together with the abstract and the key words will go in a separate document. The abstract must be no more than 100 words in Spanish and English and, in the same languages, four key words representing the content of the article.
9- Divisions: The parts dividing the article shall be indicated by Roman numerals (I, II,…) and the subdivisions shall be indicated by Roman numerals followed by Arabic numerals (I.1, I.2, II.1,…). It is recommended not to enter more than two levels of sections.
10- Quotations: If the quotations are short (three lines or less), are kept in the body of the article and are in quotation marks (“…”); if they are longer, they should be in a separate paragraph, without quotation marks and with margins to the left and right of 1.5 cm. You can choose one of the following citation systems:
- Abbreviated system: Bibliographic references will be indicated in the text at the end of each quotation by a parenthesis containing author, year of appearance of the work and page number. Example: (Canals, 1987, 632).
- Traditional system: Bibliographic references will be indicated by footnotes. (F. Canals, On the Essence of Knowledge, 87-89). If the work has been cited immediately before, you can put Ibidem. The names of the authors in the footnotes are in small capital letters, not in capital letters.
11- Bibliographic references: At the end of the article and ordered alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors, bibliographic references should be listed as follows:
BOOKS: Canals Vidal, F. (1987). Sobre la esencia del conocimiento. Barcelona: PPU.
BOOK CHAPTERS: Petit Sullá, J. M. (2004). Experiencia y causalidad en Metafísica A, 1. En J. M. Petit – J. M. Romero (Coords.), La síntesis de santo Tomás de Aquino. Actas del Congreso de la SITAE Barcelona. Barcelona: Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 231-261.
ARTICLES: Boyer, Ch. (1924). Le sens d’un texte de Saint Thomas: ‘De Veritate, q. 1, a. 9’. Gregorianum 5, 2, 424-43.
(With works by the same author, the name disappears in the second and is put chronologically starting with the oldest. If there is more than one work in the same year, a letter is placed behind each one. (2003a) (2003b).
Formal characteristics of discussions, notes and reviews:
13- Quotations: If possible, notes, discussions and reviews will be made without quotations, or with as few quotations as possible. If there are citations, all the data of the work are put in the notes and bibliographic references are avoided at the end. R. Allers (1957). Naturaleza y Educación del carácter. Barcelona: Labor. If you cite again only author, title and pages. R. Allers, Naturaleza y educación del carácter, 57.
14- Bibliographical reference of the work reviewed: All the bibliographical data of the work reviewed will be included with precision: Íñigo García Elton, La bondad y la malicia de los actos humanos según Juan Poinsot (Juan de Santo Tomás). Cuadernos de Pensamiento Español. Pamplona: EUNSA, 2010, 170 pp. ISSN: 1696-0637.