
Carlos A. Casanova


Espíritu: ISSN 0014-0716, Year 72, Nº. 166, 2023, pages 383-408




The paper deals with Aquinas’ critique of the Averroist and Avicennist interpretations of Aristotle, who stated (i) that the human intellect has a passive aspect in which the intelligible species are received, and an active aspect that abstracts the species from matter; and (ii) that those two aspects of the intellect are separate from matter and therefore are not corruptible as the body is. The position of St. Thomas is examined, which solidly concludes that the intellect is a power of the soul separated from matter, and that man is gifted with all the powers necessary to perform his natural operation, even if man has his intellect by participation from separated substances.

Key words:

Aristotle, intellect separate from matter, power of the soul, agent intellect.


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