Manuscript evaluation process

Editor in chief first evaluates all submitted manuscripts. At this step manuscripts can be rejected or forwarded to two two experts in the double-blind mode. For this reason, the identity of the author and the reviewers is kept secret during this second period of the process.

The purpose of this process is to verify the originality, relevance and quality of the research supporting the manuscript and the modality chosen is intended to ensure the fairness of the evaluation.

In order to achieve the purpose of the evaluation, it is important that authors omit from their manuscripts any reference that might reveal their identity. On the other hand, evaluators need to maintain the confidentiality of the article they value. Authors will be informed by the Editorial Board of ESPÍRITU, of the decision regarding the publication of the article and comments made by the arbitrators, which contribute to improving the article. This process takes place within two to six months of the submission of the submission.