Espíritu is a philosophical journal founded in Barcelona in 1952 by Fr. Juan Roig Gironella, S.I. In his programmatic Portico, he said that the journal would be “…moved by that Spirit of truth that animates the ‘Perennial Philosophy’, felt in its acute actuality and perenniality by the immortal Leo XIII”. And he set this goal with great vision: “To penetrate the amorphous flesh of our modern, disintegrated and pessimistic world, to give it a warmth of life and a breath of perennial security”, as when “the Spirit lifted up the lifeless body of Dorcas”.
For seventy years, the journal has worked with the purpose of promoting christian philosophical reflection and spreading knowledge through articles of high scientific quality. And since the doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas is the most suitable for the restoration of Christian philosophy, as stated in Æterni Patris, Espíritu aims to give priority to research on the thought of the Doctor Humanitatis.
Espíritu is published biannually by the Instituto Filosófico and the Instituto Santo Tomás, both belonging to the Balmesiana Foundation, through the Balmes publishing house.

Fr. Juan Roig Gironella, S.I.