The dehumanization of the humanisms

The question about humanism remains immensely necessary because it belongs to the human being and to the very antihumanism which accompanies it like a disturbing shadow. The crisis of the subject bears witness to the -most likely irreversible- fall of the modern line of subjectivism; nevertheless it leaves the category of person intact and that is what acts as a fundamental means of resistance against the dissolution of all things humanistic. The dehumanization of humanism must be diagnosed, and a way out, found. In this paper we try to answer cer-tain questions: What is modern huma-nism and which are the stages that hu-manism and antihumanism have under-gone? Which are the sources of antihu-manism? Which are its con-sequences? We will remain close to the present mo-ment and to the scientificist shapes of contemporary antihumanism. We will end with some considerations on the posthuman and transhuman

Substantive conception and functional conception of the individual in contemporary philosophy

The last answer to the importance of the problem of “person” has not done anything but increasing since 1900. Personalism scope has moved beyond the limits of the classical subjects and include today the inner core of the person, its “manipulability”, along with biotechnologies, neuroscience and cybernetic sciences while materialist and determinist thesis are being spread out. Personalism duty in modernity as well as in post-modernity becomes decisive, as for its responsibility to contribute to mend the fractures of the modern era. Among the former ones, there is the gnoseological fracture between mind and world under the sign of an intense dualism; the fracture between science and wisdom together with the primacy of the first one; the fracture between human being and God due to the denial of Transcendence or the conflict of the principle of created or uncreated liberty; and the anthropological fracture between substantial or functional idea of the person that includes the radical theme of soul-body nexus which is the object of our work

El futuro de la Metafísica y la filosofía del ser

El futuro de la Metafísica, dice el título. Uno puede preguntar: ¿por qué motivo «de la metafísica»? ¿qué tiene de decisiva la metafísica? ¿no habríamos podido decir, con igual derecho: el futuro de la moral, o el de la estética? La respuesta a tales interrogantes suena así: porque la Metafísica constituye el núcleo fundamental de toda filosofía. Con el término Metafísica se designa lo que va más allá de cuanto es inmediatamente experimentable y cognoscible para nosotros. Sea que se emplee el término en sentido positivo o con desprecio («pero deja que corra, ¡es metafísica!), la palabra designa el fin y el confín últimos del pensamiento humano. Ella vale entonces como palabra cardinal en el mundo espiritual de Occidente y del Oriente asiático, donde nacieron metafísicas grandiosas. Además, ella constituye un puente entre el conocimiento científico y el conocimiento religioso, en el sentido que éste último, en varios aspectos, hunde sus raíces en la metafísica. En base a tales elementos es plenamente sensato preguntar e investigar sobre su futuro.