The dehumanization of the humanisms
Vittorio Possenti
Espíritu: ISSN 0014-0716, Year 60, Issue 141 (jan-jun), 2011, pages 11-33
The question about humanism remains immensely necessary because it belongs to the human being and to the very antihumanism which accompanies it like a disturbing shadow. The crisis of the subject bears witness to the -most likely irreversible- fall of the modern line of subjectivism; nevertheless it leaves the category of person intact and that is what acts as a fundamental means of resistance against the dissolution of all things humanistic. The dehumanization of humanism must be diagnosed, and a way out, found. In this paper we try to answer cer-tain questions: What is modern huma-nism and which are the stages that hu-manism and antihumanism have under-gone? Which are the sources of antihu-manism? Which are its con-sequences? We will remain close to the present mo-ment and to the scientificist shapes of contemporary antihumanism. We will end with some considerations on the posthuman and transhuman
Key words:
Humanism, antihumanism, subject, man, person, posthuman, transhumant.