Salvation in gnosis: exposition and refutation from Irenaeus of Lyon

This research aims to reconstruct the main characteristics of Gnostic soteriology and eschatology to finally present the doctrine of Irenaeus of Lyon in this regard. After some necessary methodological clarification, first, the Gnostic pattern of salvation and the world prefigured by this salvation are reconstructed. Finally, the doctrine of Irenaeus of Lyons is presented, which is based on the mystery of the Incarnation and an eschatology with the intra-historical millennium at its center. The doctrine of Irenaeus is accompanied by some clarification by Thomas Aquinas to show a continuity in this refutation of gnosis.

Elements of the gnostic-ebionite synthesis in Saint-Simon’s philosophy of history

In Saint-Simon’s philosophy of history one can find some ideas that date back to two old heresies: gnosis and ebionism. Through a strange dialectical synthesis, these doctrines secularized Christian hope about the messianic kingdom, up to becoming immanent ideas of history where the promise is an earthly redemption without any relation with natural order through the idea of progress .In Saint Simon’s works, we appreciate in an eminent way the dissolving and secularizing process of the gnostic-ebionite dialectic in the perspective of an upcoming industrial society.

The destruction of nature by gnosis: God, cosmos, man

In this article we intend to study the persistence and consequences of Gnostic thought about the concept of God, nature and cosmos. Gnosis has an enormous corrosive potential of the philosophical categories because it is a titanic attempt to reconfigure the world considered radically insufficient and that arises from the attempt to match the pneumatic nature and the outside world. This study will focus on three main areas of the Gnostic revolution, following the three concepts mentioned above: theological modernism, post-humanism and gender studies.