by Revista Espíritu | 165-2023, Uncategorized
The article is about grace and salvation in Thomas Aquinas’ commentaries on the Pauline letters. First, it gives an overview of the content of the commentaries. Then it focuses on the divine missions as a historical moment in which salvation is fulfilled and grace is abundantly given. Next, it explores the mystery of the Trinitarian intimacy that Christ reveals. Afterwards, it deals with the reality of the human creature as the beneficiary of the salvific relationship with the divine Persons. Finally, it offers some conclusions that can be deduced from the Thomistic commentary.
by Revista Espíritu | 165-2023, Espíritu, Uncategorized
This research aims to reconstruct the main characteristics of Gnostic soteriology and eschatology to finally present the doctrine of Irenaeus of Lyon in this regard. After some necessary methodological clarification, first, the Gnostic pattern of salvation and the world prefigured by this salvation are reconstructed. Finally, the doctrine of Irenaeus of Lyons is presented, which is based on the mystery of the Incarnation and an eschatology with the intra-historical millennium at its center. The doctrine of Irenaeus is accompanied by some clarification by Thomas Aquinas to show a continuity in this refutation of gnosis.
by Revista Espíritu | 165-2023
Issue 165 Year 72 | 2023 Articles Salvation in gnosis: exposition and refutation from Irenaeus of Lyon Stefano Abbate Grace and Salvation in Paul’s letters according to Thomas Aquinas Catalina Vial de Amesti Salvation and grace in the first councils Juan Ramón La...