Elements of the gnostic-ebionite synthesis in Saint-Simon’s philosophy of history
Espíritu: ISSN 0014-0716, Year 64, Issue 150 (july-december), 2015, pages 363-379
In Saint-Simon’s philosophy of history one can find some ideas that date back to two old heresies: gnosis and ebionism. Through a strange dialectical synthesis, these doctrines secularized Christian hope about the messianic kingdom, up to becoming immanent ideas of history where the promise is an earthly redemption without any relation with natural order through the idea of progress .In Saint Simon’s works, we appreciate in an eminent way the dissolving and secularizing process of the gnostic-ebionite dialectic in the perspective of an upcoming industrial society.
Key words:
Saint-Simon, secularization, gnosis, ebionism.