
Francesco Saccardi


Espíritu: ISSN 0014-0716, Year 73, Issue. 167, 2024, pages 59-74




In Joseph Maréchal’s thought, the overcoming of the Kantian critique relies on the Absolute to justify the value of knowledge. In particular, it is in judgement – as the affirmation of the principle of identity and non-contradiction – that the being of the immediate content of thought is revealed and the Absolute is implied as the condition of objective knowledge. This attention to the relationship between the first principles of being and the “a priori synthesis” dimension of knowledge is also found in the metaphysical School of Milan. In both perspectives, philosophical modernity has contributed to the revival and rigorization of the classical transcendental.

Key words:

J. Maréchal, Judgement, Absolute, A priori synthesis


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