Issue 157
Year 68 | 2019
The science of the Ipsum Esse subsistens
Serge-Thomas Bonino, o. p
Immanentism and political atheism
Giovanni Turco
“This all men speak of as God” (S.Th., I, 2, 3c). And the raison d’être of Philosophy of Religion“
Elvio Celestino Fontana
Aristotle’s God
Antonio Prevosti Monclús
The thomistic proofs for the non existence of God
José J. Escandell
Divine Simplicity and Freedom of the act of Creation. A dialogue between Classical Theism and Analytic Philosophical Theology
Agustín Echavarría
Relationship between entitative and intelligible perfection in Thomas Aquinas in the light of Francisco Canals’ teaching
María del Rosario Neuman Lorenzini
The spiritual understanding of the mystery of God according to saint Thomas Aquinas
Ignacio M. Manresa Lamarca, hnssc
Possibility and sense of the divine names. Analogy and philosophical theology
Lucas Pablo Prieto, hnssc
Divine freedom, exemplary of all freedom
Xavier Prevosti Vives, hnssc
The mind as imago Dei according to Thomas Aquinas
Martín F. Echavarría
Ego sum Qui sum: Thomas Aquinas and Francisco Suárez
Mauro Mantovani
Notes y documents
Theologia Moderna. Radici filosofiche, Raíces filosóficas, Racines philosophiques, philosophical Roots
Ignacio Andereggen
Thomas and the Thomists: The achievement of Thomas Aquinas and his interpreters
Romanus Cessario – Cajetan Cuddy