Issue 148
Year 63 | 2014
The Modal Dimension of Knowledge
Enrique Alarcón
To understand and to demonstrate in Aristotle and saint Thomas Aquinas
José María Romero Baró
The Knowledge on natural beings according to Thomas Aquinas
Lorella Congiunti
The Role of Existential Judgments in Knowing the Existence of Beings
Tomasz Duma
The Existence of Being and the Original Cognitive Acts
Pawel Gondek
The intelectual cognition of material individual according to Aquinas
Martín Federico Echavarría
Self-knowledge according to St. Thomas Aquinas
Antonio Prevosti Monclús
The identity of Being and Think in God
José Juan Escandell
Notes y documents
Note on the commentary on the Book of Psalms of St. Thomas Aquinas
Carlos A. Casanova, Enrique Alarcón
Hispanic Thomistic Bibliography of the year 2013 (Addenda)
Enrique Alarcón