The Metaphysical Foundations of Freedom of the Spirit according to Karl Rahner
Jaime Mercant Simó
Espíritu: ISSN 0014-0716, Year 68, Issue 158, 2019, pages 435-459
Karl Rahner, in his famous work Geist in Welt (1939), tries to establish, from his Metaphysics of Knowledge (Erkenntnismetaphysik), the metaphysical foundations of the Freedom of the Spirit (Freiheit des Geistes). According to Rahner, appealing to Saint Thomas Aquinas, the metaphysical root of freedom lies in the independence of the spirit (consciousness) from sensitive matter, because of its anticipated orientation (Vorgriff) towards being in general (Sein überhaupt).
Key words:
Karl Rahner, Freedom of the Spirit, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Metaphysics of Knowledge.