Man is more than gregarious: he is “another man’s friend”.
Carmen Coetés
Espíritu: ISSN 0014-0716, Year 60, Issue 141 (jan-jun), 2011, pages 91-106
Both the oblivion and scorn of human sociability, or its reduction to mere gregarious condition, have dissolved one of the classic conceptual borders between the man and the animal. The rehabilitation of the distinction between gregarious and social supposes the recognition that the natural sociability is founded on the rational condition of man and his communicative capacity. In this way, Aristotle’s theory stands out in the history of Philosophy. This theory considers friendship as the relation that founds any community, and leads to a legal and political perfectionism. This one is, undoubtedly, a doctrine that considers human perfection and happiness depending also on the social and political condition. In this paper, I will analyze the Aristotle’s philosophy, but also to the central tradition of western political thought
Key words:
man, animal, sociability, political condition, virtue, friendship, political community, pactismo.