Life in Christ. The neccesity of Grace for Moral Life


Ignacio Andereggen


Espíritu: ISSN 0014-0716, Year 70, Issue 162, 2021, pages 257-262




Starting from the text of the Letter of St. Paul to the Philippians where the apostle affirms that for him to live is Christ, we reflect on the scope of this affirmation in the light of the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas regarding the necessity of grace for the moral life and for understanding the dynamism of human life. The New Law, which is the grace of the Holy Spirit, transforms man into the image of the Word of God and inserts him into the Trinitarian dynamism, so that the total personality can only be understood when considered from this higher perspective.

Key words:

Grace, human nature, life in Christ, Trinitarian indwelling.


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