Issue 149
Year 64 | 2015
Extent and limits of prudence as an intellectual virtue
Miguel Ángel Belmonte Sánchez
Being and Knowing in the Thomistic Doctrine of the Sensation. The duplex immutatio and the Problem of the spiritualis intentio in De Pot., q. 5, a. 8
Christian Ferraro
Knowledge and truth. Thomas Aquinas´ position according to Cornelio Fabro’s interpretation
Umberto Galeazzi
The Me of Jesus Christ, a contribution from the thomism of Fr. Xiberta
Josep M. Manresa Lamarca
The critique of St Thomas to the ontological argument (ST I, q.2, a.1) in the reading of the Dominican Masters of the “School of Salamanca”
Mauro Mantovani
The apprehension of particulars in the moral knowledge process.
Margarita Mauri
Habits of study in the Decree on the Reform of Ecclesiastical Studies of Philosophy
Juan Martínez Porcell
Being and self-knowledge in liberty as from saint Thomas. Some post-Kantians, Heideggerians and others
Alejandro Verdés Ribas
Notes y documents
About buying and selling on credit
Maitane Puente González, Julián Vara Martín
Considerations on the indeterminacy of divine knowledge and the knowledge of angelic self
María del Rosario Neuman Lorenzini