Espíritu 168
Year 73 | 2024
St. Thomas Aquinas and the intellectual apostolate for today’s priest
Juan Roig Gironella
The concept of idea in saint Thomas from a rosminian platonism
Jacob Buganza
Church and political community in Thomas Aquinas, axis of the shaping of the definitive catholic doctrine
Sergio Raúl Castaño
Is Thomas Aquinas an inconsequential materialist or a bad cartesian?
Martín F. Echavarría
The study of philosophy according to Thomas Aquinas
Juan José Herrera
Causes and effects of theological dispair in Thomas Aquinas and encyclical Spe Salvi
Luis E. Larraguibel Díez
The “affective science” and the ultimate end of man according to saint Albert the Great
Abel Miró i Comas
Notes y documents
ENRIQUE MARTÍNEZ AND LUCAS P. PRIETO. Hispanic Thomism. Eight centuries of intellectual tradition
Juan I. Fernández Ruiz
JOSÉ MARÍA SALVADOR GONZÁLEZ. Ianua Coeli: Mary Mediatrix of humanity. Doctrinal explanation and iconography.
David Torrijos Castrillejo
JOSÉ ANTONIO ULLATE. What in hell is not hell
Miguel Ángel Belmonte