Closing ceremony of the 1st Conference on Tomistic Studies “Being and Person”


Jordi Girau


Espíritu: ISSN 0014-0716, Year 62, Issue 146 (july-december), 2013, pages 413-417




The theme that has occupied our attention in this warm day of tomistic studies, Being and person, which embraces from the Holy Trinity to us men, passing through the angels, is enormous, very rich. From the hand of the Angelic, we have been able to explore it from the theological and philosophical points of view, glimpsing, albeit fleetingly, its psychological, ethical and juridical derivations. I would give of itself for a congress; but we, led by the teacher Enrique Martinez and urged by the brevity of the time that everyone harasses, we had the audacity to compress it in one and very intense day.




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