A Neoplatonic Explanation around the Origin of Moral Wrong in the Aquinas’ Commentary On Pseudo-Dionysius’ De Divinis Nominibus


David Ezequiel Téllez Maqueo


Espíritu: ISSN 0014-0716, Year 67, Issue 155, 2018, pages 59-80




approach concerning the moral wrong is commonly treated in De malo, the same issue is treated by him in his Commentary on the Divine Names of Pseudo-Dionysius, through which the author shows some neoplatonic traits in his posture about the presence of moral wrong in the world, based on this profound and less known work. To illustrate these traits, I expound in this article some ethical-anthropological relevant concepts of Aquinas extracted from the forementioned source, trying to identify the existing paralelism between Pseudo-Dionysius and Aristotle with regard to passions like concupiscence and rage.

Key words:

Moral Wrong, temptation, philosophical anthropology, medieval philosophy.


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