The Existence of Being and the Original Cognitive Acts
Pawel Gondek
Espíritu: cuadernos del Instituto Filosófico de Balmesiana, ISSN 0014-0716, Año 63, Nº. 148 (julio-diciembre), 2014, págs. 333-346
Since Rene Descartes developed his method for philosophical investigations, philosophers have tried to indicate an indubitable starting point in philosophy. That postulate was introduced in order to avoid the errors that appeared over the course of history in philosophical knowledge. Thus they searched for a point that would allow them formulate precisely cognitive operations or the object of investigations. The starting point was most often understood as the object of knowledge, or as the first cognitive act or way of apprehending the object that could be the condition for the right conduct of philosophical discourse. There is a fundamental point where the object of knowledge and the first cognitive act come in contact that determines all the subsequent stages in the philosophical explanation of the world. The cognitive relation that appears here is affected by the knowing subject who determines that moment. The knowing subject has an influence on the act of knowledge, both with respect to permissible sources of knowledge, and with respect to the organization of the process as such of knowledge. However, the formulation of the object of philosophical knowledge, which is performed in the context of a critical analysis of the process of knowledge, is affected by more than the subject’s cognitive possibilities.