Issue 140
Year 59 | 2010
From Existence to Essence: Re-gaining the Aristotelian-Thomistic Doctrine in Front of Modern problems
Horst Seidl
Remarks on the correlation between thinking and being in the realistic ontology
José Juan Escandell
Typification in the ancient Greek philosophers’ biography:the construction of a preconceived image
Sergi Grau Guijarro
An Introduction to the Question of Political Legitimacy
Sergio Raúl Castaño
“Metaphysics of Modesty”. A central aspect to the phylosophy of the body in Wojtyla’s “Love and responsability”
María Fernanda Balmaseda
Notes y documents
The word of man in human life
Francisco Canals Vidal
Some paradoxes of the constitutional State and its emergence in the current economic crisis
Pablo Nuevo López
Report of the Academic Activities of Fundación Balmesiana and its Institutes during the 2009-2010 academic year
Enrique Martínez