Espíritu 164
Year 71 | 2022
From Movement to Being. A Metaphysical Interpretation of Thomas Aquinas’s First Way
Agustín Echavarría
God causality and motion in Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae
Alberto Ross
The existence of God: Aquinas’s De Ente argument with causal finitism as reinforcement
Enric F. Gel
Saint Thomas and Crusius, facing Kant and the rationalists The metaphysical background of their objections against the ontological argument
Ignacio Garay
Divine, Angelic and Human Persuasion in Perspective of Biblical Commentaries of Aquinas
Piotr Roszak – Piotr Orlowsky
The Legal Hermeneutics of Representation
Cristóbal Orrego
The formal reason of Deity according to Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange O.P.
Luis E. Larraguibel Díez
From Ebionite Error to Marxist Error
Matías José Mackenney Ratinoff
The concept of moral virtue in Clement of Alexandria
Jacob Buganza
A delimitation of the platonic influence on Thomas Aquinas’ doctrine on transcendental participation
Juliana Peiró Pérez
Notes y documents
Note and discussion on the philosophical proposal of “The Reconstruction of the West” by José María Méndez
Gabriel Alonso García
Hispanic Thomist bibliography of the year 2021
Enrique Alarcón
Report of the Academic Activities of Instituto Santo Tomás of the Fundación Balmesiana during the 2021-2022 academic year
ALBERTO MAGNO. De unitate intellectus: About the uniqueness of the intellect
David Torrijos Castrillejo
IMELDA CHŁODNA-BŁACH. From Paideia to High Culture: A Philosophical-Anthropological Approach
Zbigniew Pańpuch